
This website is created as a part of the “Art & Technology Bachelor program at Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Enschede (2018) to communicate the  findings during my Graduation at 1Camera, Amsterdam. This chapter will focus on introducing the Graduation Assignment, Internship Company and Main Research Question which form the fundamental grid of this conduct. A bit more about the author can be found at the bottom of this page.

1. |  The Graduation Assignment

The graduation assignment is the final assignment for the bachelor diploma of Art & Technology (2014-2018). The student works full-time for the duration of 20 weeks on an assignment in a professional situation that fits the professional image for which the student has been preparing over their course of studies. (…) The student takes the initiative to start the search for a suitable graduation assignment.  –  Graduation Guide 2017-2018 Creative Technologies

The objectives of the graduation assignment are:

  • Use & integration of knowledge and skills in a graduation assignment
  • Complete a test of competence. This means that the student is able to independently and methodically analyse and find a solution to a problem.
  • Act as an independent and learning professional.
  • Show that the student can fulfil a professional role by carrying out professional duties.

Additional information about the curriculum and Graduation methodology can be found in the Graduation Manual CMGT 2017 – 2018.

May 16 Update: An Add on to the Graduation Manual has been announced due to developments within the curriculum of the Art and Technology Bachelor program. 

2. | Company Outline

1Camera is an award winning video production agency that was founded in 2008. We take corporate films of all kinds to a higher level by looking for the emotion behind the information and creating cinematic visuals. Our producers have backgrounds in academia and journalism, and we aim to create intelligent, well-researched films: stories with substance. From conceptualisation to production and social media & distribution strategies, we’re a one-stop supplier that delivers high-quality videos with fast turn-around times – wether it’s a large scale, international production or a one minute corporate Vlog! – 1Camera official website

A more in depth conduct which singles out the mission and vision of the participating internship company can be found in a separate chapter focused on 1Camera & Opportunities found in the main menu.

3. | The Research Question & The Internship Company

When operating in small Non-Fiction equipped crews on a tight schedule for brand-restricted, returning clients it can be challenging to stay creative. The work becomes routine and the crew becomes familiar with a clients feedback and taste. This leads to a tendency of performing the same known tricks for a good enough result. However, there is a great risk in such working procedures. The client and crew may become stuck in a loop of being less conceptual and creative. This is a troublesome position to be in for both client and crew operating in the creative sector which is driven by constant change and development. This research aims to explore new ways of making creative visual techniques more available for small, time-bound non-fiction productions.

1Camera aims for high quality production value, branding themselves as close to a cinema experience as a corporate approach can possibly be. The production house creates solutions for any client by offering productions for varying budgets through the introduction of 3 classes: lite, classic and cinema productions. However, especially in the lite package creativity and cinema-value aesthetics often lack depth. It is difficult to apply the cinema norm – sophisticated visual language in an one-man crew and low-budget production. However, the lite productions are a popular choice by the 1Camera clients, making it difficult for 1Camera to stick to their brand promise.

This research aims to take a closer look at the production value of small productions; considering how to increase visual interest through camera & light techniques within the constrictions of a low-budget, corporate production. To activate more creative approaches without losing adaptability and movability which makes the small, non-fiction and thus story-driven crew so interesting.

4. | The main Question

“How to construct and apply creative film making techniques in corporate, low-end & Non-Fiction Production.”

The main question has been divided in an array of smaller questions to consider all aspects of the query not only in relation with each other, but to also consider these components for their individual derivation. Aiming for a deeper understanding of all individual stakes to encourage a broader starting point with more creative handles for the final product concept.

1. –  Theoretical ResearchWhat (innovative) visual techniques can we identify? 

2. – Theoretical ResearchWhat are the important components and stakeholders of a Non-fiction, corporate-style production?

3. – Conceptualization | Can the discovered techniques be applied (or made applicable) in the low-end production?

4. – Design, Testing & Developments | How to make the implementation of narrative- and visual techniques more routine?

5. | About the Student


Video is voor mij een ontzettend persoonlijke dienst; het verhaal van een product, persoon of bedrijf verpakken tot een meeslepend audiovisueel portret. De sleutel tot een toekomst-bestendige video ligt voor mij in het gevoel welk deze opwekt; raakt de kijker geïnspireerd, gemotiveerd, geactiveerd of een beetje stil, dan krijgt de video een plaatsje dicht bij de kijker en wordt het verhaal doorverteld.


Video maken doe je niet alleen maar in goede samenwerking. Ik vind het belangrijk dat verhalen verteld worden vanuit een gevoel, als film maker help ik dit te vinden door een gezamenlijke kijk naar de intenties voor de video en belangen van de verteller. Zo ontstaat een toekomst-bestendig portret welk bij de verteller zijn visie, intenties en publiek past.

Personal Website | Vimeo